Essential Terms And Conditions That Your Bali Villas Website Must Have To Remain Legal

Essential Terms And Conditions That Your Bali Villas Website Must Have To Remain Legal

If you run a Bali villas rental business doubtless you will have come up against numerous legal hurdles, which, whilst surmountable, may have caused you some sleepless nights. Running a business in another country can be awesome, but dealing with different property and business laws and regulations than you are used to at home does present some problems.

One aspect of your business that is not likely subject to Indonesian property law, is your online activities, although if your business is registered in Indonesia it may be subject to business laws in that country. Nevertheless, some legalities are universal, and those include the terms and conditions which pertain to the use of your website.

Although there may be some minor tweaks, for the most part, the legalities of website use and the terms and conditions which apply to those visiting them are similar across the world. Even so, you should be aware of them, and in practice, you should ensure that your Bali villa rentals website has the necessary terms and conditions published therein.



How To Appoint A Legal Guardian In Your Will For Your Children

If you are a parent with a child you are most likely at an age where the thought of writing a will that would be implemented in the event that you should die may not exactly be at forefront of your mind. However, many family lawyers including Robinson Family Lawyers are asked to help young parents make a will, and one important element of that will be the guardianship of their child.

It might not at first seem something that is relevant to your situation and given the relatively young age and the good health that you and your child’s other parent are in, the likelihood that there would be a reason that your child would need a guardian is slim. That is the case for most parents, and indeed thankfully the need for a guardian never arises.

However, none of us can ever be certain of the future, and whilst it might not be a pleasant thought, there can be events such as an accident where perfectly healthy parents are tragically killed, leaving their child or children as orphans. Obviously, this is not a scenario that you might want to dwell on, but it is worth some thought to at least give you some peace of mind that if the worst happens your child will be looked after.


Why Will The Court Not Grant Me Sole Custody Of My Child?

Why Will The Court Not Grant Me Sole Custody Of My Child?

Something which shocks many parents, especially mothers, when they discuss with their family lawyers what is going to happen with regards to their children after a divorce, is that the chances of obtaining sole custody are often slim.

In fact, the concept of custody, meaning one parent makes all the decisions for their children to the exclusion of the other parent, doesn’t really exist in Australian family law. This is due to the family Law Act of 1975 enshrining the principle of shared parental responsibility.

This principle means that unless there are sound and valid reasons not to, the court will take the view that it is in the interests of children that their lives have input from both parents.

In practical terms this means a mother cannot change the school the children attend or agree to the child having a major medical procedure without discussing it, and normally agreeing on it with the child’s father.

Shared parental responsibility may not always seem fair, especially to mothers who may have had to put up with a husband who had affairs, or who did not contribute to the home, as they should have. A perfectly reasonable argument can be made that it is, indeed, extremely unfair to that mother.

However, the Family Law Act’s shared parental responsibility is not there to necessarily be fair to either or both parents. Instead, that part of the legislation is there to ensure that the best interests of the child is best served.

Like it or not, the overriding principle of Australian family law is that having both parents play role in a child’s life is better than just one parent doing so.
