If you run a Bali villas rental business doubtless you will have come up against numerous legal hurdles, which, whilst surmountable, may have caused you some sleepless nights. Running a business in another country can be awesome, but dealing with different property and business laws and regulations than you are used to at home does present some problems.
One aspect of your business that is not likely subject to Indonesian property law, is your online activities, although if your business is registered in Indonesia it may be subject to business laws in that country. Nevertheless, some legalities are universal, and those include the terms and conditions which pertain to the use of your website.
Although there may be some minor tweaks, for the most part, the legalities of website use and the terms and conditions which apply to those visiting them are similar across the world. Even so, you should be aware of them, and in practice, you should ensure that your Bali villa rentals website has the necessary terms and conditions published therein.
As for what specific terms you should publish, below we have outlined what we believe most legal experts would consider the minimum requirements.
Limited Liability
One of the most crucial reasons why you should publish terms and conditions on your website is to limit your liability should someone decide to take legal action against you. You can include limited liability clauses within your terms of use, but for maximum protection, it is wisest to have a page dedicated to outlining that your liability is limited should some legal problem arise following someone visiting your website.
Privacy Policy
The protection and security of personal data have ramped up massively as an issue for website owners, and this means you must include a privacy policy page within your website. This tells users how their data will be used should they submit any, and also what ways their personal data is protected. It also follows that notwithstanding your privacy policy you should have robust data security protocols on your website to protect users’ private information and data.
Trademarks & Copyright
If you have published images, photographs, videos and written content on your website, the last thing you want is someone to copy them and pass them off as their own. This extends to any trademarked branding you have within your website such as your logo. You should have the copyright symbol on each page of your website or at the very least the word ‘copyright’ on each page. Also, place the trademark symbol next to any trademarked material.
Terms of Use
This will differ on each website, and it can be as generic or as specific as you choose. In effect, this is letting those who visit your website that they do so in agreement with the terms of use that you have published there. We suggest that you include specific terms of use as they would apply to your Bali villas rental website including relevant disclaimers.
Terms of Sale
Having the terms of sale on your website is essential if you set it up to take bookings directly via reservation software and a payment processor. Such is the importance of the terms of sale that we advise you to get legal advice on this from a commercial lawyer who is an expert on online selling legalities.